Wednesday, 18 November 2015

In-game UI

This is what the in-game UI is currently in the game. The only thing missing is the character portrait, but without a concept artist, we have yet to add one.
In the top left is the options menu, alternatively you can press "esc" to access it. On the left side is the candle timer; this slowly melts as time passes, next to that is the key inventory. If you are missing a key, it will appear as a silhouette. in the center of the screen is the failure menu, allowing you to quit or return to the main menu.
Our game designer (Ryan) created the menu and inventories inner workings, here is a section of the script, it primarily contains the script for key pickups.

 These icons are the other GUI elements that aren't always present. The first is the replaced cursor and the second is the dialogue box for any information we need to present to the player, not including the notes.

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